
open science


Reusing data: bridging the distance between data consumers and producers

Reusing data: bridging the distance between data consumers and producers

The development of open research data has generally been from the perspective of producers sharing data; we argue that it is vital to include the consumer perspective. In this blog post, we report insights gained from a workshop held in November 2024 exploring data reuse from different perspectives.

Kathleen Gregory, Femmy Admiraal, Pascal Flohr, Andrew S. Hoffman, Sarah Lippincott and Thed van Leeuwen •

Not only Open, but also Diverse and Inclusive: Towards Decentralised and Federated Research Information Sources

Not only Open, but also Diverse and Inclusive: Towards Decentralised and Federated Research Information Sources

The Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information highlights that research information systems should not only be open but also diverse and inclusive. We argue that this can only be achieved by interlinking various and decentralised research information sources.

Dominique Babini, Arianna Becerril Garcia, Rodrigo Costas, Lautaro Matas, Ismael Rafols and Laura Rovelli •