Rodrigo Costas

Rodrigo Costas

Rodrigo Costas is Senior Researcher at CWTS

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Not only Open, but also Diverse and Inclusive: Towards Decentralised and Federated Research Information Sources

Not only Open, but also Diverse and Inclusive: Towards Decentralised and Federated Research Information Sources

The Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information highlights that research information systems should not only be open but also diverse and inclusive. We argue that this can only be achieved by interlinking various and decentralised research information sources.

Dominique Babini, Arianna Becerril Garcia, Rodrigo Costas, Lautaro Matas, Ismael Rafols and Laura Rovelli •

Attention for science in step with policy? The case of school closures during COVID-19

Attention for science in step with policy? The case of school closures during COVID-19

The closing and opening of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic caused much debate. How was scientific evidence used in the ensuing public discussion? Our authors searched for evidence in the news and on Twitter and looked at three countries in particular: the Netherlands, Spain, and South Africa.

Jonathan Dudek, François van Schalkwyk, Rodrigo Costas, Daniel Torres-Salinas, Nicolás Robinson-García and Tina Nane •