Toward open research information - Introducing the Information & Openness focal area at CWTS The Information & Openness focal area at CWTS studies and promotes openness of research information. In this blog post, we present our agenda for the coming five years. • January 18, 2024
Introducing the CWTS Focal Area Engagement and Inclusion: A vision and roadmap The new Focal Area Engagement & Inclusion at CWTS aims to create a more diverse, inclusive and engaging science ecosystem. This blogpost introduces our main vision and roadmap for the future. We welcome any person or organisation interested in these topics to reach out to us! • November 23, 2023
Introducing the CWTS ECR/PhD Council In this blog post, we'll introduce you to the CWTS ECR/PhD Council, shedding light on its significance, objectives, and how it can serve as a crucial resource for early career researchers and PhDs at CWTS. Dmitry Kochetkov and Qianqian Xie • November 08, 2023
Indicadores responsables y posiciones en rankings. ¿Qué significa una posición en el Leiden Ranking? [Spanish blog post] El Leiden Ranking de Universidades 2023 ha sido publicado. En este post, explicamos lo que los indicadores del ranking dicen y lo que no dicen. Andrea Reyes Elizondo and Clara Calero-Medina • June 27, 2023
The CWTS Leiden Ranking 2023 Today CWTS releases the 2023 edition of the CWTS Leiden Ranking. In this post, the Leiden Ranking team provides an update on ongoing developments related to the ranking. Nees Jan van Eck, Ludo Waltman, Zeynep Anli, Clara Calero-Medina, Dan Gibson, Mark Neijssel, Andrea Reyes Elizondo, Martijn Visser, Henri de Winter and Alfredo Yegros • June 21, 2023
The focal areas of CWTS In this post the directors of CWTS introduce the three focal areas of the centre. These focal areas were established on January 1, 2023 as part of the launch of the CWTS knowledge agenda 2023-2028. Sarah de Rijcke, Ludo Waltman and Ed Noyons • May 09, 2023
Introducing the CWTS knowledge agenda 2023-2028 On January 1, 2023 CWTS launched its new knowledge agenda, a strategic plan for the centre for the period 2023-2028. In this post the directors of CWTS introduce the new knowledge agenda. Sarah de Rijcke, Ludo Waltman and Ed Noyons • May 09, 2023
Open Science Knowledge Platform: A Journey to a Dynamic Resource In 2022, CWTS held a series of open science seminars together with the Research Councils of The Netherlands (NWO) and Norway (RCN). Now, all resources from the seminars are available on a new Open Science Knowledge Platform. This blogpost reflects on building this platform and next steps to come. André Brasil • March 16, 2023
Acknowledging the Difficulties: A Case Study of a Funding Text Research on funding acknowledgments is in ascendance, with more data available and more studies done. Yet, there are specific challenges in accurately capturing this type of data. This blog post looks at a single publication's acknowledgment section in order to discuss several of these challenges. Dan Gibson, Jeroen van Honk and Clara Calero-Medina • December 01, 2022