The Leiden Ranking goes beyond ranking
Today the CWTS Leiden Ranking and the INORMS More Than Our Rank initiative announce a new partnership, aimed at highlighting the accomplishments of universities beyond what is captured in university rankings.
The CWTS Leiden Ranking has always been a bit different from other university rankings. It has never sought to identify an overall ‘winner’ from amongst all the universities it features, preferring instead to offer a range of indicators and rank institutions on each one separately. It also looks beyond traditional citation measures and reputation surveys to assess concepts such as open access and gender balance. In addition, it presents its indicators in a number of different ways, not only in the traditional format of a ranked list of universities but also in two-dimensional charts and in a world map. The Leiden Ranking team has also consistently emphasised the importance of responsible use of university rankings.
Today the Leiden Ranking takes a next step in promoting responsible ways of dealing with university rankings. By partnering with the INORMS More Than Our Rank initiative, the Leiden Ranking highlights that, notwithstanding any value that rankings may have, institutions are so much more than their rank.
The More Than Our Rank initiative was launched in October 2022 to provide all universities, whether top ten or yet to place, with an opportunity to show how much more they have to offer the world than is captured in the global university rankings. Signatories simply add the More Than Our Rank logo to their website and provide a statement showcasing their activities, achievements and ambitions. A small, but growing, number of pioneering universities have become early signatories, supported by a wide range of international university associations, ranking providers and responsible research assessment groups, including the Leiden Ranking.
As of today, the Leiden Ranking has taken its commitment to More Than Our Rank one step further: All More Than Our Rank signatories that appear in the Leiden Ranking are highlighted on the ranking website by presenting the More Than Our Rank logo next to their institution name (see the screenshots below). Visitors to the website will be able to click on the link on each institution’s profile to visit the More Than Our Rank website and view an institution’s More Than Our Rank statement.
Participating in the More Than Our Rank initiative is a risk-free way for institutions to emphasise their strengths not captured by global rankings. By highlighting a university’s More Than Our Rank endorsement on the Leiden Ranking website, we aim to provide further encouragement for institutions to join More Than Our Rank.
The CWTS Leiden Ranking and INORMS More Than Our Rank initiative are thrilled to be partnering in this way. We hope that many more institutions will be encouraged to participate in More Than Our Rank and to provide a more rounded view of university quality.

The More Than Our Rank logo displayed next to the names of Keele University and Loughborough University highlights that these universities are More Than Our Rank signatories

More Than Our Rank signatories are highlighted in orange.

Loughborough University is a More Than Our Rank signatory. Its More Than Our Rank statement can be viewed by clicking the More Than Our Rank link.
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