2020's last blog post... and a Christmas surprise!
It's holiday time for Leiden Madtrics as well. We wish you all restful days off and are looking forward to seeing you again in the new year. In the meantime, have fun reading this blog post written by Ed Noyons about a very unique Christmas surprise taking place in the city of Utrecht.

On the last Friday before Christmas of this ridiculous year 2020, I thought it would be a good idea to deliver the Christmas box personally to all CWTS staff living in the Utrecht area. Primarily to show our appreciation for their support for and contribution to CWTS during the year but also to satisfy my own need to meet my colleagues, however short, in person. So, there I was, on a Friday evening and Saturday morning, driving 75 kilometers, together with my wife Susanne in our Greenwheels Red Christmas sleigh from Nees to Inge to Tim to Bram to Sonia to Carole to Rinze to Guus to Gaston. It was great fun to do and nice to see (almost) all of them again.

Happy holidays!
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